Life Behind The Scenes With The Ironing Diva "center">
The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies is the hook I hang my business hat on. This accidental, rural business, is a dream come true. One of the highlights of my life. This is my journey through the roller coaster world of business. And the choices I make in how to run my dream of a lifetime.
~Carol Jones, Ironing Diva❤
Business Is A Tough Gig. What Stories Do You Tell Yourself?
We tell ourselves stories all the time.
About ourselves.
And some of the toughest stories to tell ourselves are the ones where we want a different outcome to what is our current situation.
Some things we can’t. And never will be able. To change.
Cerebral palsy.
Terminal illness.
But what we can do. And always will be able to do. Is change how we respond to whatever situation we’re faced with.
By changing the stories we tell ourselves.
Some people try to do it with affirmations. And fail.
Because affirmations are statements. Based on feelings only.
‘I will always be positive.’
‘I will not let this divorce ruin my life.’
Without building a solid foundation of:-
What steps. Actions. Will I take to remain positive?
What steps. Actions. Will I take to make sure this divorce doesn’t ruin my life?
If this new story you’re telling yourself is based on feeling only. An affirmation. It’s unlikely to result in the change in your life that you want.
Which is. Can you really pull off this change of attitude? New direction?
The change in the story you tell yourself has to match your deep, innermost feelings.
For instance. If you’re very bitter about something that’s happened to you. Your divorce. And you just can’t shake that bitterness. An affirmation of not letting it ruin your life isn’t going to cut through the bad feelings you have.
If. On the other hand. You’ve decided you really do want to move on. Your affirmation of not letting it ruin your life will make you sit down and think about how you’re going to make that happen.
You’ve moved on from thinking. Into action mode. Doing.
When we tell ourselves the truth about what we want. Why we want it. And lay the foundation for how we’re going to achieve it. Then we start to see real change.
With the exception of someone who is a prodigy, the rest of us are not born being brilliant at anything.
We all have intrinsic capabilities. And these capabilities influence the directions we take in life.
But the truth is.
There’s a learning curve to everything. No matter how much we might be a ‘natural’ at something.
An affirmation that you’re going to be the best singer in the world. Without spending one minute in developing the talent. Expertise. And connections. To achieve that. Is ludicrous.
But. If you know that you really want to be the best singer in the world. Because you know that you can really sing. And your goal is to spend every waking moment pursuing that ambition. Your efforts will take you to wherever you want to go.
Your story to yourself changes from being just a thinker. To being a doer. And your story to yourself is about all the things you’re doing to achieve your goal.
You’re now in action mode.
I’m not an affirmations person. I don’t think I’ve ever written one in my life. Ditto for new year’s resolutions.
Nor have I ever been able to fake it. Until I make it.
Our mind is never still. Ticking over every second with new thoughts. Old thoughts. Negative thoughts. And positive thoughts. I’m always amazed that we can shut our minds off long enough to go to sleep!
But I can’t think of one story I’ve told myself that’s come true. Without taking action.
I’m a great believer in:- Control your thoughts. And you control your future.
But. It takes energy. And action. To control your thoughts. So you have a positive future.
It’s a given that positive thoughts change our mood. And uplift our spirits.
But only for so long. You can’t fool yourself forever.
If those positive thoughts/stories aren’t making your dreams come true. Because you’re not doing anything to make them happen. You’re in for a hard landing.
I do know an important truth about the stories we tell ourselves. And how to achieve our dreams.
What works is: Write it down. Make It Happen. This book by Henriette Anne Klauser. Has changed the lives of many people.
Telling yourself that you’re full of energy. When, in reality, you’re flat as a tack. Is wasting your time.
But. If you research what makes a person energetic. And write down how you’re going to make that happen for you. You have a good chance of one day being that person you want to be.
Running a business requires great energy. Vision. Courage. Determination. Discipline. Et al.
It also requires ‘doing’ on a daily basis.
I couldn’t run my worldwide business, The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies, without BIG goals. And without doing the things I need to do – to get to where I want to be.
Some of my goals are so pie in the sky. They would make someone laugh.
But because they’re written down. And constantly being refined. I’m kicking some ‘goals’.
My determination to make sure that the words ‘ironing board cover/s’ is synonymous with ‘Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover’, is taking me places I never thought possible.
I’m not there yet. This is a lifetime goal. But it keeps me moving forward. And makes sure my life is never dull. Or boring.
The big difference between an affirmation. And a goal. Is significant.
Feelings don’t bring home the bacon.
Goals. Based around a specific outcome.
And backed up by a plan. To make sure you pull this off.
Because you’re laying a foundation for success.
Do bring home the bacon.
Thinking is not doing.
Doing is what connects the dots between thinking. And achieving your goal/dream/future.
And this changes the stories we tell ourselves. About ourselves.
And then the pithy statement, ‘we are what we think’, takes on a whole new meaning.
~Carol Jones, Ironing Diva❤
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Designers & makers in RURAL Australia of The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, Log Lugger, Roadworks Apron, Travel Bug Shoe Bag,
Mr Chin’s Laundry Bag, Sweet Shoo.
Every product is a joy to use.