Thought I should let you know I’m a repeat customer. I have wanted to replace my [Fitz Like A Glove™ ] ironing board cover for a while but couldn’t find your contact details. In the end I found you by typing in “Interface”, which I could barely read on the much faded label on my cover. I was interested to read of your various connections and obviously you have a good media profile, none of which I had seen!
Also love the photos you take.
I initially bought my first cover years ago after hearing of the design of it and that people with a disability were involved in the production. My husband is an architect and we decided to make the investment!
Thanks for making it possible for my husband to enjoy the ironing…
Image: From my garden. Calendula (Pot Marigold), which self seeds with abandon!
~Carol Jones, Ironing Diva❤
Feedback is the lifeblood of every business. Without it, there’s no direction to follow. Positive feedback is the best of all. When you receive it, you just know you’re on the right path.
I Am The Purveyor Of The Tantrum Free Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies
Made with love and care in RURAL Australia by men and women who have a disability.
It’s not for everyone.
But it’s definitely for you if you’re fussy about the cover you iron on.
And if you love to support Australian made.
And want to put something back into the community when you make a purchase.
The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover cover has more than 350,000 customers in 29 countries. Because it lives up to its name. It ‘Fitz Like A Glove™’ every time you iron.
And these are the ‘Other Goodies’
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Have a question? Email me.
Or phone me, Carol Jones, in rural Australia on 02 63 588 511.
The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies is the hook I hang my business hat on. My beautiful rural property in the gorgeous Central Tablelands of NSW is the hook I hang my heart on.
Photos of my rural property are courtesy of me, Ironing Diva – who is also known as Paddock Paparazzi – and taken at sunrise every morning.
The Paddock Dam
PS. And I have a fabulous newsletter ‘A Smidgen Of Gossip’. This is what a subscriber says about it. “Carol. Just had some time to read it and found that it is, as with everything you do, rather wonderful. A great read. W” You can subscribe to it by clicking this link. It’s FREE! This is not a lifetime commitment. You can Unsubscribe at any time. Don’t miss out. Click this link now!
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