The phone rings at 10:10AM.
My partner, Victor Pleshev, the designer of The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies product range, answers the phone.
It’s a customer who previously purchased the Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover from The Guide Dogs Of NSW/ACT.
The back story is this.
From 1995 to 2013, The Guide Dogs Of NSW/ACT used the Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover to raise funds for the training of Guide Dogs and Pets As Therapy Dogs.
And the Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover was always in the top 5 of their products that sold well.
But times change.
And management changes.
And a decision was made to purchase ironing board covers Made In China. With guide dog puppies on them. Because they were cheaper to buy. And their profit margin was significant.
And that’s always a factor. They’re in business to raise maximum funds. From a cheaper than cheap wholesale price.
Which isn’t us.
But not everyone likes their new choice.
And many of their customers who already have the Fitz Like A Glove™ Cover now ring us direct. Because they don’t want cheaper ironing board covers.
Especially ones Made In China.
Noelene was happy to pay our current price of $44.95 for the cover.
But baulked at the $16 postage and handling charge.
Victor could almost see her fanning herself to stop from fainting.
After a discussion about postage – and handling. Which is the combination of what Australia Post charges us to post her parcel.
And our cost of taking at least half an hour to process and pack her order.
Which involves creating a unique record for her on our database. Debiting her credit card.
Putting systems in place to make sure that when her parcel is packed, it’s perfect. And she’s getting everything she asks for. There is nothing worse than disappointment when she opens her parcel and it’s not everything she ordered.
Then there’s the cost of the parcel post bag. The labels and Australia Post Tracking Sticker on the bag. The ATO compliance paperwork that must be inside every parcel.
Add to that part of the cost of the petrol and time required to travel the 120km round trip to post her parcel.
And you have a postage and handling charge.
Versus her cost in petrol and wear and tear on her car. Plus her valuable time. To drive to a shopping centre in metropolitan traffic. And find a parking spot. In the hope that she’ll find a premium quality ironing board cover.
Which most retailers no longer stock.
She sees the light.
And decides that $16 postage and handling for what – in her words – is the BEST purchase she’s ever made – is worth it.
And decides to place an order.
This is how our business operates.
Victor answers the phone. And fields the questions. Then passes the customer on to me if they wish to order.
In my chitchat to Noelene, I mention that our products are made with love and care in RURAL Australia by men and women who have a disability.
And every time she purchases from us, she puts something back into the community.
Noelene doesn’t know this. This is new information. And is thrilled to know she is still helping other people by purchasing from us.
So excited is she at the thought, she decides to order for her daughter as well.
Nothing beats a telephone conversation to get to know our customers better.
And to educate them as to what we do.
I so LOVE these conversations. Because not only do our customers get to know more about us.
They spread the word that we are a company with a heart. Which loves to help others who are challenged in the community.
They become our ‘Ambassadors At Large’.
~Carol Jones, Ironing Diva❤
I Am The Purveyor Of The Tantrum Free Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies
Made with love and care in RURAL Australia by men and women who have a disability.
It’s not for everyone.
But it’s definitely for you if you’re fussy about the cover you iron on.
And if you love to support Australian made.
And want to put something back into the community when you make a purchase.
The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover cover has more than 350,000 customers in 29 countries. Because it lives up to its name. It ‘Fitz Like A Glove™’ every time you iron.
And these are the ‘Other Goodies’

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Have a question? Email me.
Or phone me, Carol Jones, in rural Australia on 02 63 588 511.
The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover and Other Goodies is the hook I hang my business hat on. My beautiful rural property in the gorgeous Central Tablelands of NSW is the hook I hang my heart on.
Photos of my rural property are courtesy of me, Ironing Diva – who is also known as a Paddock Paparazzi – and taken at sunrise every morning.
PS. And I have a fabulous newsletter ‘A Smidgen Of Gossip’. This is what a subscriber says about it. “Carol. Just had some time to read it and found that it is, as with everything you do, rather wonderful. A great read. Winston” You can subscribe to it by clicking this link. It’s FREE! This is not a lifetime commitment. You can Unsubscribe at any time. Don’t miss out. Click this link now!