Salt. The Killer Cleaner.
I like sharing links to websites that give value-added household tips. This website below from C|Net is amazing.
One of the tips given. How To Polish Metal. Really works! This is my story.
When Victor and I were exhibiting at field days and home shows to get established. We saw a husband and wife team. Demonstrate at The Royal Canberra Show. How to clean jewellery. Like magic. Using their secret potion.
Which was nothing but a few simple and inexpensive ingredients. A small aluminium foil baking dish. Salt. Baking soda. Detergent. Water.
They sold squillions of their jewellery cleaner. For $45 each. From ingredients that cost less than 50¢.
I use this formula to clean my silver cutlery set. Which I inherited from Victor’s mother. And which we use every day.
Once a month. It gets a bath!
You will find this formula on the link above.
You can also find this website on my Centres Of Learning. The Roadworks Apron.
By the way. I always wear my Roadworks Apron in my kitchen. Whether cooking. Cleaning silver. And especially for baking.
It covers all of me!
Photo Credits: Unsplash: Diego
Designers & makers in RURAL Australia of
The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover, Log Lugger, Roadworks Apron,
Travel Bug Shoe Bag, Mr Chin’s Laundry Bag, Sweet Shoo,
Jigsaw Puzzles By The Paddock Paparazzi.
Every product is a joy to use.
Made with love and care in rural Australia by men and women who have a disability.