I encourage phone calls from my website.
I find talking to people is an excellent form of feedback. And what I hear often changes the way I run my business.
This phone call is a little different.
A criticism.
For having too much information on my website.
Rather than too little.
What’s a gal to do?
I pause. Think about how I should respond.
And quickly try to work out how I can turn this sow’s ear into a silk purse.
Part of the problem with a website is that I’m not a mind reader. So I can never please all of the people. All of the time.
When I receive criticism that I haven’t explained something well enough, I discuss it with my partner, Victor Pleshev. The architect who designed the Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies product range. And. Who is. Also the creator and maintainer of our main website.
After much discussion and final agreement, he then rewrites that section of the website. In the hopes that it will be better than before.
When I get asked questions by email. Or by telephone. That should be answered on the website. We again revise and refresh what we say.
And so it goes.
I explain this to my caller.
And also explain that it’s possible to search every website for specific information. It’s just a matter of using the Control + F keys, and keying in your search term in the dialogue box that pops up somewhere on your screen. It could be at the top right hand corner of your screen. Or the bottom left hand corner. Just look for it. It’s a function that I use all the time on other websites.
After bantering back and forth for a few minutes, my caller decides she will cut me some slack.
“Because I’m out in the bush.”
Yes! She actually says that.
The conversation then veers way off course.
And she leads me on a merry chase that includes the protection of the Regent Honeyeater in the Capertee Valley. Which isn’t far from me.
The Queensland election. And just who is Annastacia Palaszczuk?
The perilous state of Tony Abbott’s prime ministership.
How people no longer grow their own food. And because of that they don’t know where food comes from. Or how to use some of the vegetables on display in the supermarkets.
To the callous way supermarkets treat the farmers.
Et al!!!
After this roller coaster ride of a conversation, my caller calls me to heel by cracking her figurative whip.
To say she’s running out of time.
And would I like to take her order over the telephone?!
Why would I not love this telephone conversation?
I can never have this sort of a social bonding downloading an online order.
Not only do I overcome her objection to too much information.
But I make a friend.
This is the favourite part of running my business. Making friends. Nothing is more important to me than that.
Because when you make a friend, that friend trusts you. Has confidence in you. And will tell other people about what you do.
Do you like to make friends with the men and women you do business with? Or do you prefer transactions to be at arms length? Or perhaps you have a foot in both camps?
~Carol Jones, Ironing Diva❤
I Am The Purveyor Of The Tantrum Free Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies
Made with love and care in RURAL Australia by men and women who have a disability.
It’s not for everyone.
But it’s definitely for you if you’re fussy about the cover you iron on.
And if you love to support Australian made.
And want to put something back into the community when you make a purchase.
The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover cover has more than 350,000 customers in 29 countries. Because it lives up to its name. It ‘Fitz Like A Glove™’ every time you iron.
And these are the ‘Other Goodies’
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Have a question? Email me.
Or phone me, Carol Jones, in rural Australia on 02 63 588 511.
The Fitz Like A Glove™ Ironing Board Cover And Other Goodies is the hook I hang my business hat on. My beautiful rural property in the gorgeous Central Tablelands of NSW is the hook I hang my heart on.
Photos of my rural property are courtesy of me, Ironing Diva – who is also known as Paddock Paparazzi – and taken at sunrise every morning.
PS. And I have a fabulous newsletter ‘A Smidgen Of Gossip’. This is what a subscriber says about it. “Carol. Just had some time to read it and found that it is, as with everything you do, rather wonderful. A great read. W” You can subscribe to it by clicking this link. It’s FREE! This is not a lifetime commitment. You can Unsubscribe at any time. Don’t miss out. Click this link now!